Today on Friday morning all the year 6's had a challenge to make a pizza. But first we got put into a group of four and one group of five. In my group I had Lincoln, Tyler and Lily. We had a piece of paper with the ingredients for the pizzas. The toppings were optional. On our pizza me and Lincoln shared a had of the toppings. Lilly and Tyler had their half.

Tyler and I made the base of the pizza and Lilly and Lincoln were sorting out the base. The toppings were Pineapple, ham and cheese. I enjoyed doing this cooking.
What a great thing to do while the Year Sevens were away! You have described the process well and I am impressed with the way you have used upper case letters for the names of your classmates and to begin sentences. I also like the way you have used commas correctly when listing things, e.g. pineapple, ham and cheese.