Monday, 10 September 2018

Beeswax Lunch Wrap And Fabric Bags.

This year our class made beeswax lunch wrap instead of  using  glad wrap. How to make beeswax lunch wrap? When I went to make my wrap you have to grate some beeswax, sprinkle it on you fabric, cover it with backing paper and use your iron to go over it until it is melted. Once you have finished you leave it to dry for 30 seconds. Once it's ready you have beeswax lunch wrap. The reason why we made beeswax lunch wrap is because we are trying to not use that much plastic.

The next thing our class made instead of using plastic bags was fabric bags. When we made our bags we had to choose form any type of fabric. I chose orange fabric and colourful handles. Before I went to sew my bag I had to cut out the fabric in a bag shape and the same with the handles. When I went into the tech centre I had to sit on chair I had to grab my fabric bag that has been cut out. I put it under the sewing needle. And I had to sew around the edges and the same on the inside. When I went to sew my handles I had to do the same with the bag ;sew around the out side but not the inside. After I sewed my handles I had to sew my handles to my bag.

 I enjoyed making my beeswax lunch wrap because it was my first time using an iron.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ethan
    Well done for writing about some of the projects we have been doing in class to help us to reduce the amount of plastic waste we are producing. I think you did a really good job at explaining these projects and explaining how you made the fabric bag and beeswax cloth. I am glad you enjoyed making the beeswax cloth and that you had your first go at using an iron! : )


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