Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Pīwakawaka Information report

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A Fantail is a bird but different to other birds around NZ
because they have a special tail that looks like a fan.
 A Fantail (Pīwakawaka) has a fan on its rear end and
the Colours of a Pīwakawakaare  parouri, marama parauri, ma and pango.

Fantails occur widely from Northland to Stewart Island,
and on some islands of the Chathams group. Fantails normally live in rainforests.

A Pīwakawaka eats worms. How does the Fantail get worms?
A Fantail waits for a couple of minutes and attacks the worm and eats it.

A Fantail is a seasonal breeder, nesting from August to
March in the North Island. September to January in the South Island.
 The babies get looked after until they can fly. The male fantail looks
after the babies or baby. The mother fantail goes off and gets it food.

A Piwakawaka greets other Fantails by saying cheet cheet. Fantails
 mainly live on their own but sometimes with small groups. Fantails
are playful with humans. Sometimes they play with each other too.

A Fantail’s threats are Possums, humans, ferrets, mice and rats.
Some of the man made threats to  Fantails are 1080 and plastic.
1080 is made to get rid of pests but it can also harm fantails and other native birds.